We are delighted to announce a Reinhart Koselleck project in our research group!

As part of its Reinhart Koselleck Programme, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has awarded Prof. Frank Buchholz a 1.25-million-euro research project on the topic “Research into long-term epigenetic silencing modules to further develop the potential of therapeutic gene editing”.

DFG Reinhart Koselleck Projects create space for highly innovative and positively risky research. They offer outstanding scientists the opportunity to realise this kind of projects based on their special scientific achievements.

The selected project will screen for and molecularly characterize new epigenetic editors suitable for the long-term suppression of genes through. The advantage with this approach is that it allows for changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype without alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. Epigenetic silencing therefore offers potential clinical benefits that are independent of changes to the genetic code.

The research group of Frank Buchholz will establish an innovative platform in order to enhance the precision and effectiveness of therapeutic gene editing techniques. Furthermore, the new insights gained into long-term epigenetic silencing will likely extend our overall understanding of epigenetics, open up path to more sophisticated and targeted approaches for gene therapy and ultimately lead to more successful treatments for various genetic disorders and diseases.

DFG website